Friday 21 June 2019

Combination of the Two (17)

“I didn’t find that format really worked for me and I am going to have to learn how I can flourish in a strange format of alternative reality.. I thought maybe if I took my tie off we could get back to a bit of reality. I was beginning to feel on those strange BBC bar stools that we were moving off into an alternate reality.”

Poor old Stew even had to yank off his tie so, even had he become prime minister, he would still have found the alternate reality uncomfortable. Why? Because the head is forever asked to solve the problems of the world and there’s one it can’t solve.

That the body is a material reality, not a statement of fact (script), a shape with savage grace, the warrior aspect of the statesman, blood, strength, honour, desirability. The political alternate reality cannot conceive of a world where the physical has meaning (physique) and power (ontology) in the world.
                                     going                            going                               gone
In this sequence from the last debate, Stew is obviously itching to dance with savage grace but, instead, is being forced to speak. The act of speaking immaterially (“script”) enters an alternate reality that is not physical. Like Katie Bouman’s black hole (Hyborian Bridge 56) the head is trapped by its own physique.
The itch to dance is a way out of this trap since dancing is a creative act of bodily meaning and power. Because the physicality of the body cannot be denied, the modernday politician’s alternate reality is one of physical boredom.
The introspective adventurer will always find this situation uncomfortable. The fact is that career politicians worldwide are essentially on the same ideological alternate reality – numerical/monetary/compulsive. All three, totalling global boredom. I know we’re supposed to think that the free-market is not an ideology but, if it is a product of a parallel world of “script”, that is not the case. Script is immaterial (head) not physical (body). You have to support Hong Kong in the face of Chinese aggression, but I’d support Bruce Lee more! A new boxer rebellion is called for. Words, speeches are no longer enough.
If you look back at Tales of Faith 2 the steaming physicality of the scenes is something else. Shanghai and Hong Kong evolved from 19th century free trading ports and the freedoms were very real, anarchic even, sordid, surreal. The early Bruce Lee films hark back to that era and are very appealing (nostalgic).
China may be the big villain, but now so is the “script” that runs capital enclaves. Don’t get me wrong; I hate China and love Hong Kong, but it’s no longer as simple as good vs evil. If the Hong Kongers get physical I’ll support them; if not China only has to wait to extinguish them forever.
However, there is no longer “freedom” of the market when it has this order that is essentially a script. I guess you could say the best thing is to deal with the China threat first, and I get that. So, kill off the China threat then deal with the global order that kills freedom.
If you look back to Hyborian Bridge 62/2 there still seems to be an intermediate way between left and right which is what I tended to term the spontaneity of impoverished Latin American communes (Mexican favelas). I can’t pretend to know what’s going on in Latin America, except that the trek in search of the dollar is no solution.
The dollar now represents order, numerical, monetary and compulsive, of an immaterial script (head). The parallel reality that we inhabit. The more persistent is this order (script) the more immaterial is the mind all the more trapped by its own physique.
I guess you can see where this is heading, so what I plan to do is to return to the physical world of material reality. In Britain that used to be represented by country estates comprising vast ranges of farmland, woodland, lakeland, vast piles of stone and wood and chimneys, birdland, grassland.
In America, I guess it’s represented by a mixture of ranchland and the old Indian territories made into National Parks – Combination of the Two (7) - the old theme of decay and rebirth is ever present, dirt and cleanliness that is strong and pure. Wealth is Dionysian (revival and revelry). Modern wealth is Apollonian illusion.
Actually, it’s worth going back to the material wealth that predates both these, the medieval castle; As noted previouslyAlternates 8 a castle was filthy and cleanliness was a moral duty. Rushes were spread on the floor of the great hall where the stench of various fluids (animal, Man, vegetable) were disguised by fragrant herbs. Like fulling (Hyborian Bridge 60) two strong things counteract eachother.
Such a setting is something like a ranch that spreads hay or straw over dirt or wet ground; these are continual signs of decay and continual signs of cleanliness. Both are strong and have meaning and power.
All these aspects are to do with physical activities of the body, man or animal. Where I live there has been invoked a fine on spitting; this goes to show that the concept of cleanliness is no longer there since to have cleanliness there must be dirt.
The old theme of decay and rebirth is a physical reality of material wealth represented by all of the above. The predator-prey cycle that is the bedrock of strength in action. It’s born of animal behaviour, of our animal aspect (Dionysus). There is decadent meaning and savage aspect that are all too typical of a scene from Hyboria!

Destiny is not born of boredom, it is born of perfection, which is born of decay and rebirth, the primitive, archaic power of Earth twirling amongst the cosmos. The dance is a strong, physical act of meaning.
 Typical Hyborian scene from Red Sonja #7