The applications are to blameAll the people do all dayIs stare into a phone (Placebo, Too Many people)

“Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints!” (Chief Seattle)

When rock stars were myths (Sandi Thom, I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker)

Machines were mice and men were lions once upon a time, Now that it's the opposite it's twice upon a time (Moondog)

Time is an illusion (Einstein)

Monday 28 June 2021

Pictorial 178 (IN PROGRESS)

 As "Crusty Curmudgeon" I seemingly represent a primeval variant of the original, CC Beck, who wrote the original "Vanishing Point" for Astonished Science (1959).

In the story, the inventor of the machine is trying to figure out whether the scientists are right - that reality is unapproachable - or the artists. He switches it on and a tiny tesseract appears.

"Who was right?" asks the narrator, noting his shock.

"The artists! It's all a fabric of illusion we've created ourselves.."

It's a good gag, but is it conceivable the modern world is in reality an illusion, one that is ultra-convincing to the senses - if nor the psyche?

I approached this topic back in C6, noting that Newton's inductive universe of the particular (experiment) negates a universe of the general (proportions). The trees, the stars, the moon and sun are part of the proportionate universe, but not of the experimental universe that creates an illusory (parallel) world.

This illusory universe of straight-lines and perspective is always approaching the vanishing point of technique. The way this was visualised in P43 was through a camera attached to a speeding motorcycle.

It's easy to see that a speeding object always approaches the vanishing point when it is in perspective space (of straight lines). To see where this argument is going, consider that Musk is building a Tesla giga-plant in Berlin-Brandenburg.

He excitedly proclaimed he wanted a "rave café under the giga-floor". People can drink coffee at breaks to choreographed sequences of ambient noise of " mucho mocha".

Musk inhabits the inductive universe of experiment where the prize is a psyche of empty excess. Coincidentally, Brandenburg was where JS Bach composed  his legendary concertos (3&5), at the time (and still.largely) a physical milieu of pine and church spires.

Slower pace and genteel proportions are signs of the dream of the universe, where technique is mellowed by psychic emanations from pine and church spire.

As has previously been noted, woodland breaks-up light so that straight-line perspective (resolved space) becomes entangled in the proportions of trees.

Resolved space (light) becomes more convincing the less it is broken-up; less fertile, less rustic, more hygienic, more electromagnetic.

The tesseract could represent a convincing geometry (to the ego) that has no relation to reality. In a likewise way, Relativity is the gateway to a geometrical world (Minkowski) that is read by electromagnetic monitors (CERN).

The hermetic pseudo-space is electromagnetic order (light). Disorder happens when light is destroyed by trees and one is in the world of a leaf-dappled forest.

Destruction creates order through the strength of the eternal flame of renewal. Flaming leaves fall to the ground (see The Sterile Cuckoo, prev) and Diana the huntress lopes over the springy turf.

Materials flame with an inner radiance; the tints of stained glass, or of flesh in candlelight. The red of flesh, or the green of leaves, the azure tints of stained glass falling on icons. The elusive area where the physical reacts with the psyche; physical colour that has psychic meaning.

The Tesla plant may be renewable, but it is not green. Light is an illusion whithout the destruction that presages renewal. The entire area of the strong underworld of decay and regeneration is missing; the Noto-esque female blood that mixes with roots and dirt. The Eleusian mysteries of the rise of Persephone from Pluto's dark domain to greet her mother, Demeter of the harvest.

What is this but the subtle simplicity of the rotation of Earth; the physical realism of the cosmos? The physical substance of Earth - the carbon-cycles of land and sea - are born of simple repetition that gives music to the cosmos.

The pace of place that lends story to the art of living; a psychic demeanor of fortitude. Instead, Musk gives us the illusion of perfection through the vanishing point of technique, which is just another name for the Almighty Dollar.

 We are approaching the vanishing point (of technique) from the fact that a giga-plant is ultra-convincing to the ego of acolytes.

The monetary system runs the information system through the spokespeople for electromagnetism. Loudness (Trumpet) replaces the silent meandering places; the springy turf that supports myriad roots and the loping feet of Diana of the moon.

In a world where information is a belief, there is no belief in strength and therefore the fertility that arises from strength. The electromagnetic cosmos is the information cosmos - radio-telescopes of the dumbverse - without story; the technical cosmos without balance or proportion.

As has also been noted, modern techniques work, whereas in Bach's day he had a bodged operation on his eyes that may have contributed to his death. In those days they pulled teeth, now we use antibiotics.

Yes, but dodgy eyesight and toothache have to be set against a world where information is a belief (DNA, see prev) and all movement is in resolved space.

Empirical reason suspends belief in dirt and cleanliness, which is physical well-being. Belief is a psychic phenomenon, and reflects the fertility of the Earth which is strong and pure. A compost-heap is sweet-smelling and pathogen-killing. Ancient beliefs - whether Hyborian-cults or medieval-Christian - reflect an empirical tradition whereby information that is strong is valued and verified by custom.

The physique is strong and inhabits a world of decadence and revival. The gaiety of peasant song. Brandenburg is the gateway to the old world of proportionate strength and gaiety, where resolved space is broken-up by steeple and steep pined slopes.

Likewise, the flame of flesh and psyche are seen in candlelight; blood and spirit.

"You walk into the early Italian section of the National Gallery, where you see fragments of art that have been sawed off, cut out and stuck up in a white room. That's not what they were painted for. You walked into an Italian church, and there at the end, lit by the glimmer of candles, was the gold shimmering, the Virgin Mary.. The image is what counts, not the artist. (Joe Tilson, DT)

If everything is nothing it can come across as sameness, as we approach the vanishing point of technique in resolved space. There is a scene in Tarkovsky's Solaris of an extended car journey where it is forever approaching the vanishing point through flyovers and tunnels, possibly as a counteraction to the bloody female psyche of the living planet of the title.

Blood, flesh, flame, decadence and revival and a simple compost-heap are the counteraction to the conviction of an electromagnetic universe of information in resolved space.

Friday 25 June 2021

Hyborian Bridge 179

 Midnight winds are landing

at the end of time

a true story will be mine

"Evening of Light"

 Nico's funereal ditties prompt thought of fertility deities. As was said of Hyborian trade (HB 177,178), the pragmatic exchange of goods is underlaid by primal beliefs in agricultural entities such as Ishtar, the mother goddess of revival (Yaple, prev.)

Pragmatic exchange is not a monetary system - which is a belief of egotists - but a facility for beliefs to interact. Stygian beliefs may be abhorrent to most Hyborian kingdoms; that's irrelevant to the pursuit of profitable trading.

Beliefs are strength, even though they may be abhorrent - the bloated and sacrificial Pteor of Shem. The strength comes from blood and sacrifice; the primal physical reality.

Without fertility there can be no hunting or fishing. The boisterous agricultural psyche of peasants is the mark of Dionysian gaiety, not Apollonian order.

Strength of psyche is a primordial quality that that affects human behavior at every level (see prev on comparison of Tchaikovsky's Pathetique to a modern piece).

Classical music is a technical exercise ), but without the strength of psyche one of empty excess. This lesson comes from primordial depths, both physical and of the soul.

HP Lovecraft's Shadow Over Innsmouth is an ichthyic journey of a tortured family history set in a fantasy fishing port of Massachusetts. The rewards of happy hunting - or fine fishing - comes at the cost of a human soul.

But, perhaps the ichthyic soul is good in its own way? Who knows, and that is the journey. It is born of slaughter, which is strength in-the-field, or sea.

With slaughter comes revival (see Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, prev.) With revival comes the boisterous psyche of fishermen and lobster-boats. 

Where I live, incidentally, there is a "creative quarter" which is built over a harbour district. Where there used to be a fine fresco of a giant lobster and assorted crabs and shells is now a district of typical straight-lines (C6).

That's not only by-the-way but also pertinent, in that the symbols of trade of s port town have been eclipsed.

Meaning has been eclipsed by coffee and haircuts; the global sameness. If Lovecraft's story conjures-up atavistic visions, our age is vanishing into electromagnetic delusions (straight lines, logic, order, ego.) The ego is nothing without psychic strength and blood.

We live in the age of the sofa, artefact for the deluded ego, not the chaise longue, artefact for the reclining form. One has to go back to about 1930 and le Corbusier's collaborator, Charlotte Perriand. Like Corbu, she was a futurist, but she  liked to design in a traditional way, using national materials.

Her chaise longue basculant is one example; she took this to Japan and made use of machined bamboo. She intended to inspire Japanese vernacular tradition with creative energy, to embolden not demolish.

Bamboo and vernacular tradition clearly rely on the fertility of natural products. There is also a certain sense in which the vernacular houses in "The Wool-sack" (prev) - set in the English Cotswolds in the 15th century - have futuristic leanings.

Because without strong traditions of a vernacular world there is no future (the Malay House, or Brazilian jungle dwellings). Just an electromagnetic illusion of the ego of the likes of Bolsaro that is attracted to illusory products such as iphones and Teslas and rockets to Mars.

They may (through AI), while the human psyche degrades to the level of a "realistic" Banksy.

As 60s pop-art pioneer Joe Tilson says,

That's very transient will.disappear without a trace. (DT)

Tilson is a study in fertile use of line, shape, colour and the musical word-world of James Joyce (or Eric Gill for that matter.) A fitting choice to design a new window at Rosslyn chapel, set in the heathen heather of the Scottish highlands.

Tuesday 22 June 2021

Hyborian Bridge 178 (definitions)

 Hyborian pragmatism refers to trade that is not tidy and logical but is carried by pack-animals with an "ecosystem" of pests and germs. The pragmatic emphasis is on balance as opposed to hygiene; the picturesque physical situation is good for the health and the psyche.

Medieval or Hyborian trade-routes create strength through physical untidiness. By contrast, all information-systems are hygienic, which is a form of weakness.

The monetary system was created by the maritime powers by way of imposing import tarrifs, and was what Adam Smith called "Mercantilism". This has to be distinguished from profiteering Venetian mariners of the golden age.

The Venetian traders were travelling in ships round the Mediterranean; the body is active in-the-field. Monetarism is a creation of the head that imposes a logical order on events.

One counter-example is typical. The Romans imposed a 1% across-the-board levey on goods as the cost of running the empire. This increased to 3% in times of war.

Such piffling amounts are not monetary, they are purely pragmatic even if unloved by the Picts! Monetarism exists in the modern linguistic trap of information that attracts the ego of acolytes (of logic and order, or electromagnetic information).

One extreme example is microfinance, started by Yunus in Bangladesh, which imposed 23% for microloans to small farmers. Unsurprisingly, loan-sharks got involved and Yunus was eventually arrested!

In a more mainstream sense, a monetary order is the means whereby a logical system is produced or engineered. Modern scientists are monetary-engineers; they produce and engineer logical systems (whether DNA or robots). They have no interest in the disorder and robust health seen in-the-field (dirt and germs.)

Modern economies are generally said to tend either to Milton Friedman - create money - or to Maynard Keynes - create demand (for goods). However, if the goods are monetary-goods, the difference is mainly theoretical only.

We are going to be living in a smart-energy environment (the Amazon House), which means an information-environment, which means a logical order of the head and of s monetary order.

We are not going to be living in a "harvest-economy" of powerful deities of fertility!

Hunting and blood and pragmatic design are topics to come.

Saturday 19 June 2021

Hyborian Bridge 177

 Bringing together some of the previous stuff on the monetary universe of "facts" - or logical differences - versus the oneness of cosmos, might be a way of approaching Hyborian pragmatism.

If we live in a type of linguistic trap of information, this applies equally to DNA or AI. Both are a type of tidiness for tidy minds; pure ego as opposed to the robust strength of the active body (in-the-field.)

A body that is active in-the-field is by definition in contact with germs and a disordered environment, which strengthens the immune-system. In our present condition, human immune-systems are not only weak, they are being given gene-based treatments such as the covid vaccines, which are subject to random mutations (variant strains.)

The reason is probably that information-based systems are easier to run logically (by AI) and so attract the ego of acolytes. These guys are true believers, not nefarious per se.

However, the universal tidiness has an anal quality that was earlier personified in Blake's print of Newton (P83). Nature is not that tidy, and can be squalid and disordered as a sign of physical strength and renewal.

Filth is associated with health, as the physical universe is associated with the psyche. In medieval as in Hyboria the emphasis is on balance. A medieval or Hyborian trade-route carries with it an ecosystem in the pack-animals, their pests and germs (see HB108).

In a way, information-based systems are the opposite of germs because one is hygienic and the other is not! All information-systems are hygienic, whether it's CERN or a hospital ward. On the other hand, germs strengthen us so that we don't require information-based treatments in the first case.

The old order up to what is called the monetary order of Western expansion was always somewhat squalid (see eg Monty Python and the Holy Grail). The monetary order gradually developed a stranglehold through methods such as levies on imports by the maritime powers.

Adam.Smith called this "Mercantilism"; the profiteering merchants of previous eras such as Venetian were therefore not by his definition Mercantilist.

What I mean is that a monetary system takes no account of the ecology of any system. Before there was a monetary order, ecology and economy were together in the trade-routes consisting of pack-animals, or of ships at sea with rodents and unsanitary conditions (HB108).

A monetary system replaces any type of natural disorder - pests, germs or squalor - with money.

A monetary system is pure order, meaning that the logic of economy replaces the illogic of ecology. This is very attractive to the ego of acolytes. As previously noted, the end-product is the vanishing point of technique (or AI, ones and zeros.)

Basically, oneness or harmony of the cosmos is not a numerical subject, it's a case of balance between order and disorder. Squalor or pests or germs are good if they are balanced with cleanliness and robust rituals of good living (see prev on Monty Don).

The universe is clearly ecological as opposed to economic; that's not to say money had no pragmatic use for the exchange of goods. Pragmatic trade cannot become a religion! (money has no intrinsic value beyond the symbol of exchange.)

This point was made of Hyborian trade, where Stygian beliefs underlaid their purely pragmatic ventures in profitable exchange. The two shouldn't be confused; Stygian beliefs may be repellent to most Hyborian kingdoms, but that doesn't prevent the exchange of valuable goods.

The modern scene is confused in that true believers are monetary theorists! Belief has to be a matter of fertility and the rustic dance of life and death. Anything else is an illusion of the ego (within the mirror of illusions.)


"Midnight winds are landing

at the end of time

a true story wants to be mine"

The Germanic Nico's funereal ditties from 1969's The Marble Index (with the Velvet Underground) seem to reek of primal slaughter. Not necessarily Vikings and Visigoths. I'm thinking more of the slaughtered boar and deer from Sir Gawain and the Green  Knight (prev.)

Women as the harbingers of fate and a warrior's destiny are archetypal symbols. There is Valeria's phrase, "Do you want to live forever?" and resurrection in Milius's Conan (1982).

Howard brought aboard a Nordic choosers of the slain to the Celtic god Bori in The Grey God Passes (Conan #3). Whether the slain or carriers of the slain, the theme is blood and the growth and fertility that results. Beauty and death in Maeterlinck's sense (Pelleas and Melisande).

The Irish myth of Deirdre of the sorrows carries a like resonance. Prophesied from birth to be s beauty allied to bloodshed, Deirdre grows-up in with Naoise, a handsome hunter, but king Conchobar hears of her. He forces marriage upon her, then spurns her and she dashes her head our on rocks.

There is a boisterous physicality that one could align with tribal lore. With slaughter and fertility, revival is never far away. Blood and revival are the physical attributes represented by the Hindu Kali that a logical monetary order can never attain to since it involves disorder, and from the disorder renewal, a cosmic balance of archetypes.

With the physical revival is associated a boisterousness of psyche. The Dionysian gaiety of agricultural deities; the resurrection of Osiris, the hero Horus (see Bilal's The Nikopol Trilogy, prev.)

As in Hyborian lore, such physical revival inspires the psyche with belief in Ishtar, the mother goddess of revival (see Yaple, prev.) As was stated in HB140, tribes credit information that accords with their beliefs.

The empirical tradition (of the shaman as well as the farmer/herbalist), reflects an unthinking cosmos of poetic vistas that inspires Man in active pursuits in nature.

With empiricism comes bodily rituals; anointing with oils, athletic games, bathing and mineral springs (HB2).

As with Liza Minnelli's shapeshifting dance of the mirrors in HB175, rude, lusty animal movements convince by their exuberance of rhythm and grace (irresolvable space of balance and proportion that is captured by reptilian mirrors - the cold-light of logic).

Red Sonja #1

The psychic luster of Dionysian pleasure-pursuits rides over the physical strength of a Noto-esque underworld that supports floral growth ("Red Lace" prev, with carnivorous bloodsucking plants.)

The two are inseparable, as was the case in the Grecian rise of Persephone every spring (the Eleusian mysteries, prev.)

The old world of empirical tradition (prev Mosaic Law) is the fertile one of dirt and cleanliness. By contnrast, the world of empirical reason we currently inhabit is a hygienic one of monetary illusions that the ego of acolytes views through the mirror of illusions (electromagnetism, straight lines, ones and zeros.)

The ultimate destination is the sterility of irradiated space navigated by the AI beloved of billionaires (resolved space, natch.)

This hermetic pseudo-space of electromagnetic order (light) invites schizophrenic delusions of grandeur, which a false psyche is prone to. A weak continuum produces the need for bestial strength, possibly a reason for the current superheroic explosion (see P180, next.)

Sunday 13 June 2021

Hyborian Bridge 176

 Gaiety is in the spirit of revival that springs from blood and slaughter. Clair Noto's tales of Red Sonja ("Red Lace", prev) go into the underworld where the power of blood is represented by the titanic rocs that fly high and are shot down by strong-armed Narca of Khitai, to feed the cycle of death and revival.

Like the Eleusian mysteries (or those of Samothrace, HB175), the only mystery is that of life and death. Mysteries occur in darkness; mere existence is no mystery, and takes place in the presence of the light-equation (ego).

Mysteries establish meaning (epistemology) and power (ontology) by way of destiny and death (eschatology). While light-equations establish the facts of our complex monetary world, the mysteries establish the simplicity of agricultural rituals that worship the rise of Persephone (spring) from the underworld.

All things must feed, and death becomes part of life, and the mystery is in this cycle. Thevl Earth spins and we have day and night; the seasons go round the sun; the eternal balance is the call of destiny.

Realism is in a state of balance if one values grace and timing on actions. In that sense, monetary rules have no value, and money itself has no intrinsic value. The natural.liberty of exchanging goods (Adam Smith) is not a monetary order (see HB6 on the Royal Exchange in Tudor times.)

We live in a world where the routines ofa monetary order have become the only value (which is valueless); where order has no taken-over from freedom and words lose meaning (similarly, the NRA touts freedom as a type of militia order!)

Routines never have value because value is always a product of both order and disorder; of theme and variation.

In order to understand nature one must experience its lightness and grace. Poetry is a means of doing this; the story and the sense are both found in the sounds and rhymes.

This mellifluousness is apparent in the ancient text of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (C3). The Green Knight is a manifestation of nature whose flesh and blood cruelty Gawain must make a pact with. Gawain's trust and purity are tested.

The tale is told as a sort of tension of opposites, with the courtly scenes interspersed with slaughtered deer; bawdy badinage and innuendo with knighly combat.

First he hacks off its head and hoists it aloft,

then roughly rives it right along the spine;

he gouges out the guts and grills them.over coals,

and blended with bread they are titbits for the bloodhounds.

Next he fetches out the fillets of glimmering flesh

and retrieves the intestines in time-honourwd style,

then the two sides are stitched together intact

and proudly displayed on a strong pole.

So with the swine swinging.they stagger home,

bearing the boar's head before that huntsman

who fought with his fists in the ford till the beast was slain.

The day dragged, it seemed,

before he found Gawain,

who comes when called, most keen

to countenance the claim. (page 75)

In a world of order, sameness is the order of the day. However, in a world of differences, conflicts are resolved through the drama of the situation (see prev.)

The light-equation only allows for a certain type of head, one which approaches the vanishing point of technique (AI or monetary number).

This attracts the ego of guys like Balsonaro (HB175), while extinguishing the gaiety of dark revival. Blood itself is in the balance. Argentine leader Alberto Fernandez

said Octavio Paz, the Mexican poet, wrote that 'Mexicans came from the Indians, Brazilians from.the jungle, but we Argentines came from boats, and they were boats that came from there, from Europe. And that is how we built our society. (DT)

Fernandez "apologized", but it's obvious he meant to imply the European type of head was more suitable. What he really meant was the type of head that runs Silicon Valley, which is the one that worships AI.

Jaime Hernandez (Ghost of Hoppers, prev) grappled with the idea of white America versus dusky Mexico with a more honest sensibility (see also The Plumed Serpent, prev). White in the modern world tends to mean a certain type of head that is ordered, routine, monetary and therefore that approaches the vanishing-point of technique (AI).

One can see that easily with China, which tends to replace all different cultures with a cyber-sameness. I mean the communist-state, not the Chinese as a race (or various races of Cantonese, Manchu, Han).

The ego is attracted to certainty and, at the same time, balance and disorder are left out of the equation. The equation of light (straight-lines, electromagnetism, Minkowski geometry, the illusion of number, reflections of reflections). The sorcery of Jirel Meets Magic where all reflections are real, and all reality is reflections.

Sunday 6 June 2021

Hyborian Bridge 175

 In a drive for simplicity, some pictures that are related to the realism that goes beyond words and facts.

Smith's print is somewhat mysterious, not least because the lore of the priests and priestesses of Samothrace (notably in Talbot Mundy's Tros) has been lost to the ages.

Our own mystery in the modern era has to do with light (electromagnetism), so I choose that interpretation. The book is burning, representing the mystery of fire.

Many may not be aware that long-living Vesta matches were invented by Newton, and named after the eternal flame of Rome. My interpretation starts with the observation that flame is not fire.

Fire is an abstract concept that is represented by the sun and is, technically-speaking, electromagnetism. A flame, by contrast, has psyche, moral and physical attributes.

The galleries and chambers were illuminated by artificial light. Globes of cold white fire hovered motionless in midair near the ceilings of the rooms.. The Valkarthan could not guess how this strange art was accomplished; neither could he imagine how they were hung motionless in the air; nevertheless, they were there, and provided uncanny light that did not flicker nor burn low. (Thongor in the City of Magicians, Lin Carter, page 99.) The city resembles Howard's reptilian Khemi but with a more direct science-sorcerer parallel.

The main reason for this is that the flame consumes matter. In the case of the Roman Vesta, it may have consumed wax or possibly pig fat (lard) in a drum. The process is fairly simple in that fat (COOH) is metamorphosed into CO2 and H2O, using oxygen (O2) from air.

Meanwhile, a log fire burns carbon to produce charcoal. As was described previously in The Northern Shaman, staring into a log fire's flickering, sinuous flames prompts ruminations of the human.psyche.

A fire in those far-off days (circa 15,000 BC) thus had a moral significance in the flame of wisdom. When one speaks of fire in ancient days, one tends to mean flame, which is how it was perceived.

If flame is a physical metamorphosis, what is fire by contradistinction? According to Newton it is light, and light is reflection in the mirror of illusions (inductive reason). The mirror of illusions is geometrical-space, which is where we are today (numbers and algorithms). 

In other words, since Newton fire has become the logic of mathematics. In previous eras, fire was flame with psyche, moral and physical powers (Vestal).

The modern order is extremely convincing in terms of words and facts, but what it doesn't have is the eternally balancing flame that swirls with living tongues. One can observe these light-effects in candlelit vistas.

Afghan schoolchildren in mosque

The cold-light of western education is an.illusion that does not have the realism of physical lighting - by tapers or wax.

Stories told round a fire can be playful lies, and have psyche and moral truths (that instruct children).

Flames, with their intricate whirls, prompt a niche for narrative, an intricate balance of embers that reflects the cosmos.

The cosmos has a type of curvilinear sameness that is strong and fertile and allows differences. Western education, by contradistinction, occupies a universe of fact (inductive reason) where everything becomes the same.

What I really mean is the swirling nature of the reality where kids in Iran or Afghanistan or Pakistan are educated is a big part of their education (see Addis Ababa, P173).

Things seen under the bright stars or by candlelight are psychically secure; the psyche is part of the physical reality. The fact that the milieux somewhat squalid and nor entirely hygienic is  also to advantage.

Modern education is a type of tidiness that occupies tidy minds; it's an.illusion of the mirror. Asfa Yemiru, of Addis Ababa, taught the 3 "Rs", plus the pragmatic skills of farming. By contrast, Malala studied P,P and E at Oxford, which is what prospective politicians do!

It's philosophy, politics and economics, or the cold-light of reason. The cold-light does not include a psychic vista that is associated to physical reality (pigs and hens and camels amid the stars above.)

I mean, teachers do their best but they are up against a straight-line order that paves-over anything haphazard that impinges positively on the flaming psyche (see rustic harmony and grace in-thr-field, HB205).

As Liza Minnelli says of Charles Aznavour, his songs are stories with a beginning, middle and end. Fire has heat but flame has passion.

Minnelli is the complete performer whose flame has ceremonial timing and flashes of exuberance

STEPPING OUT (sequence where Liza becomes Lizard)

The cosmic-balance is reflected in a flame that curls and blossoms. Human culture is a development from natural strength and the fertile substance (wax, wood).

In antique days, these would be harvested from places of power, in ceremonies of Dionysian passion. Empirical tradition in antique societies is related to places of power where things grow and are harvested.

Man's labours in the field and wood instigate empirical traditions of dirt and cleanliness. An active society is by necessity psychically and physically balanced.

This meaning is really the opposite to the cold-light of induction, or empirical reason. The one convinces the head (ego of reptilian acolytes), while the other convinces by timing and execution.

Watching Minnelli, you're totally convinced by her moves, and in the seductive realism of the flame. Ancient rituals flame with passion and ceremonial timing.


The stories and myths of the ancient world are the product of ceremonial timing and balance; the graceful actions of the body (Salome, Helene of Rome, the swordwoman socialite in Tros), versus the inert ego that is convinced by "facts" of an illusory reality (geometry, numbers).

Realism to the citizens of flame was the perpetual balance of the human psyche. To the citizen of fire, there is neither a psychic nor a physical reality.

Instead, acolytes of sorcerers create the space for an imagined reality. This is the geometrical world of electromagnetism and relativity (Minkowski, CERN prev.)

Their pursuit of mathematical nothingness is a game of the ego that has no unthinking realism of the places of power on Earth, where fertility and strength exist.

If a flame is physical balance, the Noto-esque underworld (Red Sonja, prev) is the eternal realism that stores carbon and decayed matter (see carbon- cycle, prev) in the land and seas and lakes.

Realism is not necessarily visible, but it has psyche and moral strength as well as a physical reality that the likes of Baloroso cannot sustain.

"The Bolsonaro government is trying to legalise the exploitation of the Amazon at all costs, causing irreparable damage to our land, people and life on this planet," said Alberto Terena, of the Articulation of Indigenous People in Brazil activist group.(DT)

"To find a connection to the universe, hold onto one of your favorite rocks." (Britney Spears)

Thursday 3 June 2021

Pictorial 177

 'Would it work logically to say there are 2 universes: one has a geometry that is related to geometry of light, the other doesn't? The 2 universes are split and are not consistent one with the other.'

I put this to Vincent of UVS with the understanding that it is a very ancient proposition, a Manichean battle for supremacy.

There is an underlying presumption of mathematical science that there is one universe and that it is technical. This quote is from Thongor in the City of Magicians by Lin Carter.

(The wizard's) voice rang out, thrilling with cold fanaticism, but Thongor's lips twisted in a grimace of disgust.

"The mind lives, the body dies," he growled. "And tell me, Druid-what of the soul?"

Cold mockery gleamed from the green eyes.." In all.our anatomical researches, I fear we have not discovered the seat of that elusive component. "

The basic assumption of sorcery or scientism is that the universe is capable of understanding by rational principles. However, as pointed out back on HB95, there is another view that opposites such as order and freedom cannot be reconciled.

They are balanced, and there exist on Earth primitive places of power. There is an empirical traditional of dirt and cleanliness that sanctifies the strength of the earth in fertility rites.

Bathing rituals often take place in mineral-rich sites that exemplify the restorative power of the Earth (HB2).

Balance produces strength; it is not a product of a rational universe of mathematical particles. That universe is Apollo; an illusory reality of order that does without the unthinking or Dionysus.

Unthinking development is a primitive act of naturalism that organized thought attempts to quell. The creative-unconscious of the unthinking cosmos.

A world of order (the mirror of illusion) reads the hymn-book of profit motive that weakens the ambience of unthinking realism in the silent biers and flowers of the country.

If that world of strength is a product of primordial balance, it is not also a product of geometric order. The sorcerers and scientists - from Newton on - are convinced by the geometry of light (the mirror of infinite reflections where differences become sameness) into entering a mathematical space.

In Relativity, that is Minkowski space. It is a convincing illusion that enables the mathematical reality - of the geometry of light - to become universal.

In fact, it is the unthinking reality that is universal, in that it produces strength and fertility, dirt and cleanliness, rituals of the places of power on Earth.

Without balance, our psyche, moral and physical powers are weakened, corrupted by the words of order and comfort from acolytes of a mathematical illusion.