The applications are to blameAll the people do all dayIs stare into a phone (Placebo, Too Many people)

“Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints!” (Chief Seattle)

When rock stars were myths (Sandi Thom, I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker)

Machines were mice and men were lions once upon a time, Now that it's the opposite it's twice upon a time (Moondog)

Time is an illusion (Einstein)

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Pictorial 65

Trickster teaches us that we must sometimes dance with ambiguity awhile to discover life’s deeper mysteries. (page 133) We can break the shell that holds us prisoner to the illusion of certainty, unleashing renewal that dances like the whirlwind across the inner landscape. (page 159)

Trickster is the intermediary who is not that good nor that wicked, who doesn’t seek the absolutes of certainty that civilization is always approaching (and never reaches).

We find that the middle road.. becomes our willingness to let go. (page 133)

This is a clear echo of Paul Kantner’s Blows Against the Empire, and specifically

Full title of quote: “It’s a fresh wind that blows against the empire”. A fresh wind is the province of action, and is seen in the description of the fight between Gilgamesh and Enkidu (prev), as well as in the way Shamash

heard the prayers of Gilgamesh and against Humbaba he stirred up the mighty winds.. Lo! He cannot move forward! Lo! He cannot move backward! And so Humbaba relented. Gilgamesh said: “Now that I have discovered your dwelling, I will enter your house!” (page 179)

Hohne makes the point that

The whirlwind in many cultures represents the divine as it manifest on earth.

And that, in dream

We will be picked up and placed into another context, releasing us of our controlling tendencies. (page 193)

It is the principle of movement that frees us from suffocating certainty (of the head) and places us in the land of action (body), or The Wizard of Oz.

The gusty laughter of the barbarian is a signpost of Conan’s footloose, elemental nature that cannot be held by civilized ways. The principle of movement, the divine spark of independent will and unwillingness to be held by civilized certainties, is also present in the barbaric awareness.

Civilized Man is now trapped by the illusion of certainty, essentially since it’s an illusion of the head, of words and images (perspective, sun). Outside of that is the regenerative principle of renewal that spreads vitality and real meaning in the movement of people across landscape (the pioneer wagon trail going East to West).

Whether it is Kantner’s naked children in the Universe, or the dream of the hippies, it is a real dream of planting the seeds of renewal, starting afresh and with purpose.

The modern world in its certainties (numerical, monetary) contains in its collective consciousness the Shadow Self of the Forest (Pictorial 64). The inner becomes the outer projection of fear; fear of disorder, of the mythical substratum that is the principle of regeneration from decay, all of which are personified by the hunt (the moon, Artemis).

The hunt is everlasting action, blood, death and renewal through regenerative principles of lifecycle and rebirth. This entire area of myth and of independent human existence under the stars is a subject of fear and repression. The reason seems to be that the concept of pure order contains within it a Shadow Self that is repressed, and projected as fear of disorder, the primal forest, the labyrinth of myth.

Essentially, pure order can only exist as illusion, since it really means the sun (reflection, perspective). The principle of regeneration contains within it mortality, disorder and decay. This was the rationale behind Gilgamesh’s wish to build a fitting monument to his rule, by felling the cedars and usurping the mythical rule of the Guardian of the Forest (his Shadow Self Pictorial 65).

Kantner’s album expresses the spirit of freshness and wild regeneration in the Universe (or Earth) and especially in the act of rebellion against the Empire of the Acolyte (sorcerer, head) – as opposed to the lusty freedom of the body.

The modern world is a weak illusion of acolytes, but a very convincing one of the sun (perspective) and so we view the universe in terms of parallel lines (the vanishing point of technique).

But that is not what the universe is if it is symmetrical. The Earth spins midway between moon and sun (Artemis and Apollo) and as it spins we see the stars and planets in their configurations and wandering ways.

So, why is the universe symmetrical? Because it is an Earth power of movement in the cosmos. Because of myth. Myth is a way of recognizing an underlying substratum of reality.

If you don’t wanna recognize that, you’re welcome to your solar illusions with Bezos and the rest of the “smart planet” aficionados. For the rest of us, a good point of departure is this Hyborian map.

(Conan the Unconquered, Robert Jordan)

Or the one previously shown of a plotline from Savage Sword
The really big thing about archaic maps is that they depict the symmetry of reality. The North is frigid and Ymir-like; the South is jungle-drummed; the East is exotic, turbaned, sultry; the West is castled, dim-lit and rousting.
All that is so because the Earth spins, identifying the direction of East-West and the South and North poles. The East has certain attributes of psyche (oneness or wholeness); the west the opposites of individualism. The North has ice giants; the South Witch Doctors.
Even if no one can deny the Earth spins, “they” do deny it explicitly by the use of atomic clocks to run global AI. When Einstein said, “Time is an illusion” (prev), he may have had in mind atomic clocks, since the only certain thing about them is that they’re certain!
By contrast, the movements of Earth through space establish some of the most real experiences of all; the everlasting sunrise, the crescent moon, solstices at Stonehenge. So, why is it real? Because you’re experiencing physical symmetry in the universe, accomplished by the movements of physical objects.
The movements are not as certain as atomic clocks, since they wobble and precess, but they are real whereas atomic clocks are only certain.
We live in a world of the illusion of certainty; this is why East is West and North becoming South; we all live in the same illusion.
If you say the illusion started with Newton (C4), it is reaching its nadir in the smart planet of pure order run by atomic clocks (AI). It’s an illusion because time is something we experience – as imperfect beings. We cannot experience it as certainty, that is simply predictable death (Korvac Weird 8)
Living things need uncertainty to express their physical presence on the Earth. In other words, in terms of culture. This is the glory of those archaic-looking maps of Hyboria! The geographic features outlined allow one to zoom in and see in one’s mind’s eye the fierce sea-battles on the Vilayet sea, in the Turanian Holy War (Hyborian Bridge 19, 20). The ripe quarters of the Maze in Shadizar the Wicked; the gloomy crags of Cimmeria; the opulent Marches of Aquilonia.
Uncertainty, or what you could call the irregularity of line, is the living, breathing expression of cultures, of movement on Earth. It is Earth-time, Earth-movement. OK, let people have their Rolex watches as a gimmick. Accuracy is simply the vanishing point of technique; it takes you to illusion.
If you’re in an illusory world, the reality is in there (the repressed Shadow Self), and projects out there (fear of the uncertain Forest, labyrinth of myth, dreams). What is taken as order is simply a figment that takes no account of the dream landscape of mythology, of history and prehistory or of the fantasy lands and seas of Hyboria.