The applications are to blameAll the people do all dayIs stare into a phone (Placebo, Too Many people)

“Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints!” (Chief Seattle)

When rock stars were myths (Sandi Thom, I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker)

Machines were mice and men were lions once upon a time, Now that it's the opposite it's twice upon a time (Moondog)

Time is an illusion (Einstein)

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Hyborian Bridge 89

Here’s where it gets really confusing! In a world of hyper-accuracy, words are misused because organic lifeforms do not live in that parallel reality. When Price Andrew said (in an interview), “Sex is a positive act”, that’s an accurate statement from the point of view of organic life. So that’s why the media was all over it – take it from me.
Yellow Flower you possibly thought was a misused song, since it has nothing to do with Belit? But it has to do with memory and death – feelings that permeate Queen of the Black Coast. Words and images that are apt can have allegorical similarities and lyrical correspondances. In that sense, they are not hyper-accurate, but well-used. In a world of hyper-accuracy, we become like robots; less sensual, less virile, less feminine.
The world of hyper-accuracy cannot
The spokesperson for accuracy and certainty in a parallel dimension is of course The Selfish Gene’s Dicky Dawkins. The dimension being the logic that words construct to convince the ego of their veracity.

Since nature is not the product of reason, it comes of an economy of line that is simple and emblematic. 
  ( more Granada tiles, natch)

Those things that just are, whose archaic simplicity is proof of meaning and use in the realm of acts. Cobbles on the rutted roads of Khitai
Conan #32
Their worth is a savage simplicity that is strong and graceful. The world that is not the world of words, but the world that words may aptly describe. The difference is that the words are meaningful because meaning comes not from words alone; that is a false tautology we forcibly inhabit.
Meaning comes from the unthinking power of the cosmos that manifests as the forgotten idols of Earth’s past. The lost past which does not enter a parallel dimension of certainty and temporal accuracy (“We count not time” – Howard poem). For accuracy is also a product of straight lines (sun), the atomic clock that powers super-computers.
AI is nothing less than a super-accurate clock – as much atomic as is atomic combustion (see The Long Tomorrow Pictorial 75). Add to the mix DNA, and the words flow from acolytes’ lips like poison from a nest of vipers.

The meaning words have in our forced confinement is a logical tautology that is ever-more dependent on.. words that are ever-more detached from cosmic simplicity, psychic grandeur,  forgotten idols of the invisible empire of Earth’s physical form.
Conan 32
Flame Wind of Lost Khitai from Conan #32-34 –was adapted from Norvell Page’s pulp, which was actually about the far East adventures of Prester John (Wan Tengri). It’s quite typical of US pulp writers to make fantastical versions of European history, and Prester John is ideally suited to this as he was very close to a medieval fantasm!
It all centres round one of Howard’s favorite haunts, Black Khitai, and a Christian kingdom called Keraits who carried the cross against these Black Saracens. I did some reading, and round about the 12th century the Crusaders were on the lookout for Christian knights from the far East to fortify their struggle against near east Saracens. The notion of Prester John became practically talismanic as the Crusades progressed and were forced onto the back foot.
So, while there is some historical evidence, what came to the Crusaders was hearsay, a barely tangible hope. This hearsay is found in Howard’s historical The Sowers of the Thunder. Now, “hope”, meaning a type of feeling, a bolstering of the psyche, does have an effect on physical circumstances – the ability to change circumstances for the good.
Going even further than that, Christianity is “Good News” which is designed to bolster the spirit of mankind against the forces of darkness. In other words, “news” in the Middle Ages was much more to do with psyche.
Once that is the case, the psyche – or state of mind of men and women of good faith – affects the physical circumstances. This is almost the other way round to nowadays!
Whereas today “news” is factual events where the psyche is not given any credence (to change the events), in the Middle Ages “news” could easily be non-factual or amount to hearsay. That news had a psychic truth that impacted on believers, affecting their behaviour.
In other words, the psychic effect that “news” imparted then had the result of producing or influencing physical behaviour that THEN resulted in facts. This gets to the root of the tautology at the heart of a “factual” world. A “fact” is really tantamount to words emitted by news channels; but how are the facts produced?
By-and-large by logical processes of the market and politics. Processes that have no affinity to the human psyche – apart perhaps from greed. This world is ordered, but is not psychically attuned to human needs.
So therefore, “news” and logical processes amount to pretty much the same thing. In what you could call the lost world of forgotten idols – like Prester John – “news” meant a psychic spur to action. The psyche and the physical were connected, and events followed.
When the psyche influences the physical (action), then the facts that result are also tainted by psyche. What that essentially means is that a belief-system needs to be in place. In the high medieval, each city-state had an idol – or patron-saint – that epitomised its own belief-system.
Unless one has a belief purely in money (the $) one has to believe in some psychic reality, some force for good work (or bad, actually, as in Flame Winds, where the city Wan Tengri is ruled by seven malevolent wizards).

The city is under the influence of nefarious forces, in the form of the seven. Conan adopts the mantle of Prester John and undergoes a series of adventures that finally overthrow the false idols
Conan #34

And the restoration of the imprisoned princess. Unfortunately, she turns out to be an even worse sorceress and Conan and Bourtai are left..
Conan 34
The real question is, why do we in the modern age give credence to marketing and politicians without any psychic manifestation of belief? I mean, at the moment we’re in the “X-mas season”, but what does that mean? Just shopping. Then we’re in some other season – and so on.
Where is the psychic manifestation of human behaviour on Earth? Nowhere. It’s back there with the forgotten idols. What seems to happen is that shopping becomes essentially electronic and what we are actually getting is electromagnetic impulses beamed into our brains (by acolytes of sorcerers). These same acolytes in the press then use words to give us a good impression, of what is essentially nothing (physical on planet Earth).
Where is the mix of psychic strength and physical action that gives meaning to existence?
Happy Trails Pictorial 75
The answer seems to be that it’s in the Earth itself – the hills and ranges and fields and streams and ancient forests, habitations and horses, women and men of good faith. We are being sold something that is a copy, merely straight-lines from the sun, not the authentic irregularity of Mother Earth.