The applications are to blameAll the people do all dayIs stare into a phone (Placebo, Too Many people)

“Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints!” (Chief Seattle)

When rock stars were myths (Sandi Thom, I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker)

Machines were mice and men were lions once upon a time, Now that it's the opposite it's twice upon a time (Moondog)

Time is an illusion (Einstein)

Friday 31 July 2020

Pictorial 132

Is progress, then, a process of repetition in sterile space? This corresponds really to “resolved space” – see CL Moore Tales of Faith 12 Pictorial 8 (Judgement Night). Is electromagnetism really reflection, the illusory mirror of a wizard - HB20?
It's an open question, but the more work facilitates a repetitive situation the more it resembles rubbish removal - see P111 Elena illos. The more that happens the less revival there is from a state of decadence. It's the Harlan Ellison quote, "They're paving over the world."
Whether true or not, how does one define something original as opposed to a repeat? Original cultures have the serpent at root. The primeval rhythm of things that live and die. Decadence produces fertility and the strength of revival.
As it says in P130, town and country have different rhythms, and they can overlap with gusto if their separateness is acknowledged.

(Peruvian schoolkids search for a signal). Peruvians of the Andes seem to have a need for phones that preserves their difference. As previously stated, it’s only when mathematics (algorithms) becomes the reality that the endless repetitions without meaning or direction ensue.
A traditional culture destroys light with decadence, the primeval forest. The modernists are likely to be gulled by Musk’s rocket algorithms that head off to Mars. The anti-modernists are more likely to head into forests, as Ari up did in Indonesia before landing-up in Kingston (). Perhaps that was a subconscious desire for a decadent lifestyle of shadow?
Is Ari Up original? Was she appropriating Reggae in the way the Stones did the blues? Clearly not, as noted before she just liked Jamaican culture. If there’s an expert it might well be
Whether he’s right or not, all I’d care to say is there’s a genuine sense of decadence and melancholy to the music, the artist is likely to be genuine and introspective and an adventurer
Lennon admits they’re good even as he derides them! It’s very difficult to be definite about music since even repetitions – copies – can be entertaining. But the Stones have no real sense of melancholy as opposed to showmanship.
Ari Up for me is more telling and true; the story is believable. Melancholy is the counter to endless advance along a sunbeam of light that is endless repetition. The  sunbeam is convincing to the ego, and it is composed of numbers and algorithms, but the very endlessness gets one down and one wants to lie down and rest in a shady grove.
In the leafy grove one might get a scent of cosmic poetry, and start to live like the fox. In the grove exists the simple symmetries of nature, leaves falling, buds developing. In the grove exist stories, such as the one of Reynard the fox.
Stories, or a poetic sensibility, have their share of melancholy, but from the same shadowy area is barbaric splendour born and the heroic proportions of Diana the huntress.
The endless ride on a sunbeam may be enticing - - but it is really going nowhere very quickly. More or less going into a parallel reality of sterility (head, algorithm) and away from the symmetries of fertility (body, physical action.)
Within the cycles of life and death there is always a melancholy strain, and it is the fertile ground where stories are told, where differences are kept and hunts occur.
In this modernism where something becomes nothing, it seems only to be where differences are deliberately accented that stories of feeling occur. I noticed this in the new film of The New Mutants. All the five characters are genuinely different. From Rahne (Reynard) Sinclair to Amerindian Blu Hunt as Moonstar and Brazilian Zaga as Sunspot.
Their differences aren't just racial but in their shared experiences of denial, so having this affinity binds them. The problem with modernity is that there is no affinity in sameness, only psychic weakness and disillusion! Once something becomes nothing, differences are eliminated.
This seems to be the aim of the Big Tech alliance of the Black Sun of calculation (algorithms, head) that creates a sterile zone. This is the future of Virgin Galactic and Musk, where the genuine cycles of death and renewal that forge natural strength (the hunt, stories for kids to grow with) are relegated to superhero films.