The applications are to blameAll the people do all dayIs stare into a phone (Placebo, Too Many people)

“Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints!” (Chief Seattle)

When rock stars were myths (Sandi Thom, I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker)

Machines were mice and men were lions once upon a time, Now that it's the opposite it's twice upon a time (Moondog)

Time is an illusion (Einstein)

Saturday 12 September 2020

Pictorial 138

The 2nd part of Kanye West’s interview with Nick Cannon was not a thrill a minute as it was somewhat fashion-based, and I just picked-up on a couple of things.

As the reviewer on YouTube noted, West’s ego can let rip and he views himself as real in a phony world. He is on a “different wavelength” and bipolar is his “superpower”.

Yet, his wealth is thanks to God, and he is ready to lose it is situations change; he is ready and humble. As a sidenote, he had a fight with Nike to establish his own manufacturing base in Cody, Wyoming; whether that was God’s gift or ego is anyone’s guess.

He has a long-term view of events and his destiny, and is much keener on a black future than the past. This inevitably brought in Powernomics by Claud Anderson which I’ll studiously avoid. Or at least go round from a different direction, as mention was also made of what people meant to him in his youth. Both Trump and Bill Cosby were pop-cultural heroes, and both he supports.

Leaving Trump to one side, youthful memories of the trend-setting Cosby Show are somewhat rooted in the psyche. The truthfulness of the psyche seems worth hanging onto. I have somewhat similar memories of the 60s Batman.

Cosby’s infidelities bring-in the physical side of things; you could almost relate that to Batman in that the kinky leather can act on kids in a hair-raisingly sexual manner. If Batman is quite a white product, the Cosby Show and black-culture in general is more laid-back and funky. That’s what I recall from the show, regardless of how straight-laced and mainstream-friendly.

What I’m saying is that blacks are more sexually laid-back than whites. Groups like the Stones try to mimic this, but I doubt they’re as effective as Marvin Gaye was. Rather than look at another book by a black intellectual (Powernomics), I propose looking less at the head and more at the body.

The body has symmetries and, as was noted elsewhere, is a sort of mirror of the cosmic symmetries between sun and moon, the planetary and astrological constellations.

Those who are stuck inside their heads are not aware of these symmetries, and the epicentre of this culture is California. The non-symmetrical culture of California aims to merge the head with the physical so that the two become one. I’m using “California” as a term which could even include Musk’s car factory near Berlin, as what was Cal is now global.

The image that brings to mind is of Blake’s print of Newton as a giant brain that has transmogrified into a body (P59). When that happens the physique can’t be denied, and the obsession of all the Silicon Valley heads with a sterile, numerical culture leads one to suppose that the whole thing may be the ponderings of a giant ass.

This is something that ignores the symmetries of the body, and replaces them with the profane serpent that resides inside the mirror of illusions (electromagnetism.)

The profane serpent attracts the head (ego) with expressive algorithms and sexy gimmicks that are almost a case of mating with the machine (a la Zuckerberg P1). The sterile, numerical culture exemplifies trivia at the expense of story, which is the physical expression of the body.


At this point you might stop me and say, what about KUWTKs, featuring West’s wife Kim? I’ve never seen it but did see Kim has announced it’s stopping, and they are switching to Instagram. That could just be an indication of the trend away from story and to pure image. It’s difficult to make sweeping statements, but the iconic status of Rigg’s Avengers is vastly more assured in terms of athletic story and psychic luster.

I admit the Kardashians had dramatic moments, but the trend to trivia may become all-pervasive with the body really there only for show. The strong physicality and strong psyche associated with the Avengers are indicative of a culture that is not dormant and just being fed teasers and tidbits by numerical agents.

That is really the profane serpent that corrupts natural rhythm and symmetry through meaningless applications that attach to the head, that is also the body. This is the sterile numerical culture whereby the physique can’t be denied, a type of numerical ego-compulsion.

As was noted elsewhere, the symmetries of the body can represent a universal. Symmetrical meanings are quite different to logical ones. There was Kate Bouman’s black hole (HB56), whereby the lewdness was never alluded to. Are we being misled by logical junk? A universe without symmetries is attached to the head (of the acolyte) so, in a sense, you are inside the ego of the acolyte.

If this ego is logical junk then it’s not a very good place to be. To be aware of symmetries is to be aware of lewdness and the physical acts of the body that the psyche is attached to in a universal way that has strength and meaning. Story and truth (P47).