The applications are to blameAll the people do all dayIs stare into a phone (Placebo, Too Many people)

“Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints!” (Chief Seattle)

When rock stars were myths (Sandi Thom, I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker)

Machines were mice and men were lions once upon a time, Now that it's the opposite it's twice upon a time (Moondog)

Time is an illusion (Einstein)

Thursday 7 July 2022

Mechanical (6)

 You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom. (Malcolm X)

If 'the people' are the body, and the government is the head, the rhythms and pursuits of people invite desires and personal reactions of the psyche.

Freedom is not just a prerequisite for peace, but the movement that attains order. The physical balance of the proportionate body. The same on a larger scale applies to neighbourhoods. A body is at perpetual war (against invaders) to establish stability; a community has low-level feuding.

If that isn't peace on Earth, it's still not the idle words of our dear leaders. It's a physical fact that invites desire. Neutrality can never triumph over the physical activity of the people in pursuit of desires.

Classical movement and rebellion go hand in hand. The body is an antagonistic system of action and reaction (muscles) that is built for fighting. The expression of this in ancient times was the Greek athletic games; the restraint that gives truth to action.

Strength, though whether that counts as peace is in the eye of the beholder. Mechanical strength, basically, of the body in strenuous pursuits. In other words, a mechanical system is the origin of all other things, including the psyche (wheel of the zodiac), in invariable time, natch. 

While the ego of acolytes is satisfied by the machinations of a system in variable time, that is simply a type of mental weakness, a neutrality of mind with no physical force.

A system which is mechanical can only operate in time (rhythm) - see M2, 1/2 Essay 5 - and so is related to the large-scale similarities of rhythmic balance (tree branches, constellations, galloping horses, serpents.) 

Random genes or miscopies (prev) are selected if they match the order of motion of a particular organism (phenotype.) This is obvious if one considers that a mechanical system obeys Newton's laws of action and reaction.

Any movement one produces, say a punch or a lift, will come up against resistance. The muscles respond, or a joint 'snaps' and needs time to recover. The flexing and coordinated actions are the order that one sees in natural evolution. Clearly mechanical, and not random atall.

The mechanical universe invites desire (psyche), the swaying milkmaid or Swahili waterbearer.

Large-scale similarities and stylised silhouettes have romantic overtones. 

By contrast, the neutral world of the ego is an illusion, a compulsion of number that convinces by neutralising sex and race (see M5). The psyche is weakened and rebellion of the people as a popular pursuit almost unknown  

Freedom is a bodily pursuit (mechanical) enabling order (commune) and the low-level feuding implied. It might not be world peace, but it's not the anarchic order of militia-minds that nowadays runs riot.