The applications are to blameAll the people do all dayIs stare into a phone (Placebo, Too Many people)

“Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints!” (Chief Seattle)

When rock stars were myths (Sandi Thom, I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker)

Machines were mice and men were lions once upon a time, Now that it's the opposite it's twice upon a time (Moondog)

Time is an illusion (Einstein)

Monday 14 October 2019

Hyborian Bridge 79

For the sun and the moon are alive, and watching with gleaming eyes.
And the earth is alive, and ready to shake off his fleas.
And the stars are ready with stones to throw in the faces of men.
And the air that blows good breath in the nostrils of people and beasts
Is ready to blow bad breath upon them, to perish them all.

The stars and the earth and the sun and the moon and the winds
Are about to dance the war dance round you, men!
When I say the word, they will start.
For sun and stars and earth and the very rains are weary
Of tossing and rolling the substance of life to your lips.

Quetzalcoatl is quite nasty here to the Mexicans and peons, and one could easily turn round and say: what of your own temple in Chichen Itza?

The old temples of the Mexican plateau demonstrate mastery on several levels. They have mathematical mastery of the heavenly motions. They have technical mastery of stone-masonry. And they have a great dramatic sense of staging that gathers it all together in one great showpiece at el Castillo.

These were the spring and fall equinoxes when the shadow of Kukulkan fell over the monumental shapes thrillingly, signifying the serpent’s return to Earth. Such subtle theatricality isn’t only technological since it is of the Earth, the rains and the harvest of good will.

The view of Kukulkan descending to Earth at equinoxes is a view of cosmic reality. Such views cannot be changed – they are Earth-power – and are defined entirely by cosmic time.

The odd thing is an illusory reality has no absolute definition of time – everything is relative. But every living thing that develops in time has to have absolute time. For a living thing to develop – in the womb, say – it is exposed to cosmic time.

This is mainly carried in the water, the moon, the planets. Cosmic time is physical reality in the universe we see. Anything almost infinitely vast contains within it the idea of chance, and hence our astrological charts and mystic tarot fortune-telling.

Salvador Dali painted tarot deck (of 78). The context of Dali’s designs is
The cannon of Western art.. filled with archetypes, symbols, stories, all shimmering with meaning. (Iona McLaren, DT)
Tarot developed from the physical (cosmos) of moon, stars.. and the human figure. Symbols that have a psychic plane – as Kukulkan – as well as a physical one. The psychic plane is absolute (cosmic) time. In this plane, the human body and the moon and the sun correspond to eachother, as in a deck of tarot cards.
The problem with a relative universe of light (sun) is that there can be no absolute correspondances. An absolute correspondence is determined by the Earth, since that is the centre of the universe in terms of balance and proportion (sun, moon and planets).
Now, you can ask: where do balance and proportion come from? They come from the physical universe that we see on Earth. If you don’t think Earth is the centre of things then you’re welcome to stay in your perspective reality of light (sun, technology, straight-line advance) but it is an illusion that only has the appearance of reality (mirror, reflection Hyborian Bridge 20). It has no physical substance (body).
The Mayans and Aztecs of el Castillo were primitive in the sense of lithe, animal-like, head anchored to body, while the conquering Christians had doctrine and rule (which banned the Aztec ball-game mentioned previous post). It may be time to consider whether Christianity has tacitly entered the illusory world born of technology – a world of acolytes who worship at the shrines of dead sorcerers (head).
The universe is at one time structured and imprecise, which gives its infinite variety. If we are in an illusory reality, it is attested to by the fact that it is as precise as a hall of mirrors where each reflects the other. Each is relative to the other and each is equally real; there is no absolute physical substance, but it is all relatively convincing because it is all relative! 
Dr Strange #46

Air and water are illusory in themselves (Claimed2) but on Earth and with the approach of fire (sun) they can appear in the shape of Kukulkan, the representative of wind and rain and harvest. Kukulkan is absolute in that it’s not illusory; it partakes of all four elements, not just light (sun). The cosmic, physical reality is not as convincing as an atomic clock – but neither is it as illusory!

Once illusion becomes as fact, at the same time there is no absolute, physical substance and this was a theme of Dr Strange #47 featuring master of illusions Ikonn

Stern makes a play of the 60s by having the illusions of old-school convention shattered by Ikonn

When our illusions are vanquished, we will once again feel the wind and rain of a world that faces the cosmos physically, with its body, and that will be our destiny in the fields and forests and hills of this land – as much as in the myth-laden fields and forests and hills of Hyboria.