The applications are to blameAll the people do all dayIs stare into a phone (Placebo, Too Many people)

“Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints!” (Chief Seattle)

When rock stars were myths (Sandi Thom, I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker)

Machines were mice and men were lions once upon a time, Now that it's the opposite it's twice upon a time (Moondog)

Time is an illusion (Einstein)

Wednesday 20 January 2021

Princess Moonlight (2)

 It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has. (Hippocrates)

That seems to be about the size of it, since a weakened immune-system is prey to disease. According to Bechamp, "germs seek their natural habitat, diseased tissue." A weakened immune-system is prey to disease and tries to rid itself of toxins, meaning things become toxic to a weakened body.

Otherwise, they're just germs that are ever-present. There is a strength through decadence; through the process of decay. The environment that breeds germs. Stagnant water.

Whereas the Western immune-system gradually weakens, the presence of germs in the environment strengthens it. Why is this?

It's basically because drugs in the environment have to continually build-up - because western medicine does not consider the environment.

Every living thing has a resistance to disease - that's health. Once an antibiotic is released, a virus will start to build resistance. Another drug may then be needed (etc.)

Jim Ratcliffe of Ineos UK has just donated £100million for an Oxford University to be created studying antibacterial resistance! The industry they're creating is really the inevitable consequence of industrial pharma weakening the human body.

The immune-system is weakened by the presence of man-made and denatured products. Germs are just living things that exist naturally where decay and regeneration are normal. Stagnant water.

It's obvious that Western medicine creates an environment that suits it, which just happens to be the opposite to the one that suits the body. While medicine is sterile and germ-free, the body requires dirt where decay and germs are ever-present.

The latter is the fertile fields and forests and hills and waterways that have supplied the physical needs of Man since prehistory. One doesn't have to go back far to see that sort of itinerant life existing in the States.

Roy Rogers, for example, had a Bohemian upbringing, living in a houseboat which traveled up the Ohio, his family building a farm where he played the fiddle and sang at square dances 

The type of life is rural-Bohemian cowboy, the sort The Misfits with Monroe and Gable elegized (prev.)

It's a sad, cute film where what's missing are the great beef herds that cowboys used to steer over the plains, from Texas towards the east. What's missing is the clatter of hooves, the mud and dirt, sounds, sights and smells of the range.

After all, an environment is created by the sort of people, animals and fodder that make use of it. Instead of an industry of pharma, what's needed us an industry of farm.fodder supplied by cowboys on hosses.

What started with Pasteur as a cleaning-up process to kill pathogens in milk ends up as an environment where there are far fewer beneficial bacteria (contained in raw milk, along with raw proteins and minerals) that strengthen the immune-system, along with a man-made cocktail that further weakens us.

Farming is a healthy exercise, but that doesn't mean it's risk free. Herds have to be steered carefully, horses rear, slipping on a cowpat could injure your dignity (etc.,)

Pasteurization is based on fear of disease but unfortunately disease will always be with Man the active user of animals. I read in Huff that older breeds of cattle are recommended for raw milk as there is much less risk. There are sensible types of research and looksee that any self-respecting Bohemian wannabe should do.

Bohemians and their kids like dirt and germs and that's perfectly healthy. It's just not risk-free. But why by ruled by fear? The real problem is that the egotists who create the industrial system are not exactly stupid; they know there are emotions such as fear in a population. This can help drive the industry.

But ego is attracted to environments that are sterile for the exact reason that they're not balanced naturally. A balance exists where danger exists and where death exists too, and where decay exists and also regeneration and fertility exist - in the fields, in the forests, in the waterways.

What I want to get to is the entire chthonic area which supports life and health. The elemental area of sun, moon, stars and raw prairie air that we share with Mother Earth.