The applications are to blameAll the people do all dayIs stare into a phone (Placebo, Too Many people)

“Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints!” (Chief Seattle)

When rock stars were myths (Sandi Thom, I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker)

Machines were mice and men were lions once upon a time, Now that it's the opposite it's twice upon a time (Moondog)

Time is an illusion (Einstein)

Tuesday 11 May 2021

Pictorial 170

 The crude and vulgar elements in nature; the Cider With Rosie-esque mix of innocence and bestiality. Extremes are not something in accord with a universe of sameness where offhand, off-color remarks offend and cause the next protest.

In a world of protest no one is powerful save those who have inner spirit. Martin Luther was powerful not because he was a protestor against the corruption of tradition but because his spirit was strong.

The countries with inner spirit such as Iran, Turkey, ndia are strong even though they cause frequent offense. In a spiritual setting, the milieu of a mosque or temple , the sense of stillness activates the imagination, the spirit soars. Indian classical dancers pirouette into the stillness of creation.

The staccato of rap can induce a hypnotic stillness which catches fire to the soul. Rap is a rebuttal of the notion words needed only be factual as opposed to springy and rhyme-rich.

Soul has a springiness that is nothing to do with logical processes. A spider hunts on its web; it has no aim other than to feed and mate and continue its designs in flying objects.

Rap has a primitive simplicity that allows for more subtle interpretations than the glorified achievements of Taylor Swift. The heroic Sunday Services by Kanye West are like dark relics of a cowled medieval soul.

The businessman in West is building a manufacturing milieu with such spiritual.roots (prev.) Instead of a sofa-culture of the head favored IT institutions, there is song and dance, ritual on Earyh beneath the heavens above.

Thus does simplicity become subtlety. If it is true that archetypes of nature exist, they will be found in soulful milieux where the voice of eternity is summoned by choral chants.

If a spider is an archetypal form, it has a geometry that is as spontaneous as a galactic cluster. Archetypal geometry exists outside of the resolved space of modern science - be it CERN or an atomic bomb. Impressive demonstrations of the vanishing point of technique. Convincing to the ego.

The electrical world we live in is an.inductive one, reduced to the data of ones and zeros of global AI. According to Vincent of UVS website (prev) even photons may be electrical 

A photon is a tiny particle that comprises waves of electrical energy. As shown by Maxwell, photons are just electric fields travelling through space (aether). Photons have no charge, no rest mass, and travel st the speed of light.

Trapped in an.electric-green future by the likes of German Green Baerbock, we will.have no association with the mythic naturalism of archetypes of life and death. The spider that springs; the vulture that soars.

The electrification of data leads to ever-greater complexity, whereas only simplicity allows the subtlety of interpretation.

Outside of resolved space (straight lines, light, electricity) exists archetypal geometry that is simple.

The UVS archetype is postulated as a 137 (1+136) nested hypersphere of 3-spheres. Thus numerical fundamental is discovered in all the known atomic elements.

Anything of that numerical standard can be related to a traditional zodiac of 12 signs which is highly symmetrical. The key is in interpretation rather than in conventional data of resolved (straight line) space. Those who say Einstein space is bent; yes, straight lines can bend (end of statement!)

Resolved space is DNA also in that it can be resolved to data (electricity, algorithm). Outside of this exists real, archetypal space.

For instance, the mucus glands of the throat are coded by DNA. The throat itself and its subtle simplicity has a mythic naturalism that has the purity of song.

Inductive science deals in half-truths that expand the reach of data into fields where rightly the archetypes of naturalism rule. The throat that roars with anger; the teeth that tear with hunger. The hunt that litters the ground with blood. The springiness of the turf where rough feet lope. The strength that reeks of natural processes. This is the archetypal terrain of nymphs and dryads where niche provides shelter in a cosmos of primal fecundity. Accept no substitutes.

RIP Lloyd Price ("the true king of the 50s")