The applications are to blameAll the people do all dayIs stare into a phone (Placebo, Too Many people)

“Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints!” (Chief Seattle)

When rock stars were myths (Sandi Thom, I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker)

Machines were mice and men were lions once upon a time, Now that it's the opposite it's twice upon a time (Moondog)

Time is an illusion (Einstein)

Monday 4 April 2022

Destruction of the New.. by the Old (3)

The expressive psyche of debauched linework is something that connects Egon Schiele (see HB199) with Ditko's Dr Strange. A line that is fertile, and without fertility there can be no renewal. The dichotomy of nature is the land of death and revival - even more clearly delineated in Noto's "Red Lace".

Ditko is a stranger to straight lines.

The Brothers Hernandez have synthesized a lurud and fascinating world out of Steve Ditko's paranoid skylines and the more shadowy and garbage-filled corners of Gasoline Alley..(Alan Moore, Love and Rockets book one.)

His linework contradicts his later enthrallment to Rand's Objectivism and, in Dr Strange, the deathlike figures such as Eternity and Dormammu's sister Umar of the Dark Dimension, speak of the conquest of fear that is associated with the forest of death and rebirth (see Gilgamesh).

This is essentially the Gothic situation that was partially usurped by Renaissance ideals (see especially Dürer, prev.) The idealism of death may seem somewhat negative, but within it harbours the physical strength that is our birthright.

Essentially, science only knows what science tells it (to know); it's logical as opposed to a dynamic balance of cosmic strength and fertility. Once the mirror of illusions is entered, the ego is convinced by the numerous straight lines that feed the logical processes 

This culminates in the Relativity of time and GPS calculations of distorted rhythm - see the spinning-top of Earth (and sun and moon) and BWS 'Artemis and Apollo' P200 etc.

GPS is convincing to the brain, and in fact leads to a universe of electromagnetism or pure brainwaves - as opposed to the physical reality of spinning bodies (the fates). The 'free' market enters the mirror of illusions, which is where we are now.

A free-market has no interest in revival from death and therefore no interest in strength or fertility. HB199 cites India PM Modi's reluctant acquiescence to the small farmers over free-market principles that would decimate their lifestyle.

As noted there, small farmers are economically inefficient but ecologically efficient, and the ramshackle habitats retain pests that otherwise are driven-out to become toxic parasites (as with Covid; see Minnesota Institute of Environment.)

Modi can count himself lucky; he has stepped-back from the Western - and Chinese - mirror of illusions; a world of weakness and infertility, of noxious chemicals and feeble cows.

Here's a link that spells-out how convincing the illusion is once inside. Genus (ignore pictures) is researching genetic ways to breed cows with 'friendly' digestive tracts. The trouble is, cows that are grass-grazed on Alpine slopes are not methane polluters; the research is purely for the enfeebled lifestyle of shed-kept herds (see prev.)

This leads directly to Weekend and Grace Slick's quote on "anal-compulsives". The physical strength and fertility of a natural system constitutes a lifestyle that is hardened and is not susceptible to genetic tricks of the ego-compulsive head. 

Where there is untidiness and a physical state of almost debauchery, the psyche is strong and relatively relaxed. One doesn't have to go as far as Charles Manson to reach this state; it's a physically natural situation of the fields and the herds.

This state is relatively visible if one watches certain old westerns. I picked-up Shoot the Sun Down the other day, and it is clearly superior to anything modern. There are long spells of silence; long shots onto rock bluffs and Apaches; close shots of horse fetlocks and dainty steps. There is zero shot/counter-shot (N3).

Deliberately Sergio Leone-ish, the score chimes with insolent Spanish brass. Filmic to a fault, an Apache and a Navajo are played by half-natives A. Martinez and Sacheen Littlefeather (known as Brando's rep!) 

The physical strength of the settings delineates psyche also to a fault. The problem with having excessive dialogue is that films are filmic and horses don't speak. We get strength and inherent fertility in the English maiden (Margot Kidder) sold to a surly sea-dog.


Strength is proto-verbal or poetic; the lost world moderns have all-but forgot; the dried buffalo manure of Buffy Saint-Marie (HB70) and