The applications are to blameAll the people do all dayIs stare into a phone (Placebo, Too Many people)

“Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints!” (Chief Seattle)

When rock stars were myths (Sandi Thom, I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker)

Machines were mice and men were lions once upon a time, Now that it's the opposite it's twice upon a time (Moondog)

Time is an illusion (Einstein)

Sunday 29 May 2022

What the F***? (4)

..The area that is 'captured ' invariably corresponds to the individual head and, when you're inside that area, some things aren't visible or 'real'. The gritty aesthetic of freewheeling biker gangs, or the gritty aesthetic of schoolgirl badmouthing.


Where there is grime and sweat, rebellion is not far behind since it is a form of wild expression free from monetary constraints. The wild and the physical are a primitive reality which is non-verbal and proportionate. Words tend to be used in a more physical and hence poetic style, while the dark psychology of modernity uses words in a crooked sense.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

It seems clear the 2nd amendment is referring to the establishment of small-town order within a wider context of freedom. America is the spokesman for the free world,  but what is freedom?

Primarily,  it has to be the psyche that is empowered (given free rein) within communes that exercise balance and proportion through self-governance. Self-governance (see passim) operates not through order but through low-level feuding. Old TV series like The Dukes of Hazard have that in spades.

So, order and freedom are opposites which tend to attract one another.  Where this is not understood,  words become crooked.

"It's a matter of freedom. You don't have that right in England  - it got taken from you. I have had to use my gun a couple of times but I haven't had to fire it. People tried to take something from me but then they saw my gun." (guy at NRA convention)

But the 2nd amendment is not a matter of anarchic freedom; it's a justification for order in communal settings which are intrinsically free. It's the state of intrinsic freedom - grime, dirt,  rebellion,  sweat, blood, manure - that is under threat in the 'free' world.

The NRA, composed of individuals,  uses crooked words to justify anarchy. First of all physical freedom is needed - a cowboy sensibility of the free range - and this empowers the psyche. Words are topsy-turvy owing to the fact that order and freedom are two poles of one thing. That is, grime or psychic expression in the wild. 

EC Tubb in Dumarest points to a similar arrangement the 'lowtown' settings of itinerant spacers.

By night the field held a certain magic; one born of starlight and shadows, enigmatic shapes and iridescent hues, the whole bound with the circle of blazing illumination tracing the perimeter beyond which lay only the mystery of contrasting darkness.  By day the magic had gone, to leave only the battered vessels, the dirt soiled with scattered debris,  vomit, urine and, sometimes,  blood. (Earth is Heaven, page 71)

Poverty is oftentimes psychic freedom; the psychic freedom of communal expression can outclass even political tyranny (see Latin America,  prev.) In other words,  the psyche is inspired by grime, and is able to indulge in momentary action - physical expression (gayness, rags, song, games. )

Where there is no physical detritus, both the psyche and physical health tend to suffer. We tend to exist in a society of ones and zeros,  reminiscent of the dual-note of 'Jirel Meets Magic' (prev.) 

Tubb hints at this type of odd madness in the Cyclan culture.

Rapport was never like this and, since the the time when he had spoken to Marle, it had been as always. The contact, the exchange, the euphoria which yielded ecstasy and which resulted from electromagnetic stimulation of the pleasure center of the brain. 

A thought which startled him - was it true? And why should it have come to him at all? (Melome & Angado, page 244)

The mirror of illusions is order without freedom (body, action, physical grime, revival) or the false Apollo of perfection (harbouring the profane serpent) without the physical grime of Dionysus. Essentially, this is the god of technology (the NRA and ABBA Voyage are one in that respect!)

It's all so convincing but, as CC Beck said,

..back in nineteen-aught-four, as we old-timers say, one if the early aviators took an airplane over to China, and the Emperor of China saw the plane as it flew around, and the Emperor was not impressed at all.. "Look, Emperor,  it's flying!" "Well, that's what it's supposed to do,  isn't?" (TCJ #95, page 66)

Other things apply, whether it's Musk's rockets or gene-editing techniques to boost crops in the wake of the Ukraine war.  Boosting crops comes at the expense of a healthy soil, and the soil is simply Mother Earth. Worms, nettles  caterpillars,  butterflies, birds, trees and so forth (large-scale similarities).

Trees surround communes; Man is part of Earth. It's not a walk in the park and in a cyclical sense things get messy. There are vagabonds..

.."Thieves! They robbed me of-"

"Why not?" Dumarest was harsh. "Did you think of the spacer when you went after his cash? Care what happened to him? The others you robbed? Di you give a damn for the animals killed so you can eat meat? The slaughters? The stink? The blood and pain? What makes you so special?" (Earth is Heaven,  page 93)

The cyclical land of invariable time or Earthspin. Technology is heading into the mirror of illusions of variable time so the choice is there. To rebel in a grimy sense (and be free), or to wind up cleaning machines in the order of crooked words.