The applications are to blameAll the people do all dayIs stare into a phone (Placebo, Too Many people)

“Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints!” (Chief Seattle)

When rock stars were myths (Sandi Thom, I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker)

Machines were mice and men were lions once upon a time, Now that it's the opposite it's twice upon a time (Moondog)

Time is an illusion (Einstein)

Wednesday 11 March 2020

Hyborian Bridge 106

What does it mean by saying that words ARE propaganda (prev)? Well, for the world of straight lines and light – electromagnetism, talking and expressive algorithmic heads. After all, computers ARE words – they read language (ones and zeros).

In a way, that entire area is a fantasy, an illusion (appearance). In HB92 it notes there that in medieval times the beliefs – of the psyche – influenced events profoundly. The psyche was held to be real, and belief in the far Eastern knight Prester John – whose kingdom was practically totemic – influenced the Crusades.

Taking it further, Christianity is “good news” – meaning for the psyche – and so medieval faith becomes the events. This is almost the complete opposite to the idea that there are events which are “real” and that reporters report on, completely independent of the psyche.

Jean-Luc Godard’s films such as One Plus One seemingly do take this on. The reporter interviewing Eve Democracy, for example, is supplying all the information, more or less including the answers. At the end of the Bookstore scene, the intoner does make the concession that faith is the vital factor in social power, which is pretty interesting for a fascist bookseller!

In his interview, Godard comments that morality is informed by events (paraphrasing) and that it is not important compared to politics. He almost implied it is a fantasy of the church. Yes, but modern events are so complex that something as simple as good or evil can appear fantasy. Equally, though, what appears as reality can just be appearance (Apollo, light).

Words propagandize this apparent reality by means of information. What about psyche and faith? To me, faith would imply temples; atmospheric monuments that seclude one from incessant words and impart instead poetic and allegorical truths that feed the psyche. All ancient societies venerate temples, and that goes equally for Hyboria, natch.

Eve Democracy could almost represent a fertile woman wandering the trees, which are a type of natural temple. But instead of Dionysian rites she is asked political questions. Again, there appears to be two direct opposites (One Plus One =).

In a democracy “the point” is always the numbers, rather than the land, community or temple. Yet in ancient Greece it would be taken as read that these things are inalienable rights. Only landowners of the commune could vote, and they gave offerings to the temple deities.

What seems to happen in modern democracies is that everything relates to the head – which is impressed by numbers – and not to the body which works the land of a commune, prays to the temple.

The commune has a psyche and a faith. The psyche of the commune will tend to influence events with its beliefs in harvest and fertility. The rural aspect of the society is therefore also a belief (see BWS Adastra in Africa Tales of Faith 2)

They will tend to value information that accords with their beliefs. The beliefs are to do with fertility and particularly the female body. This accords with the gods and goddesses of Hyboria, and especially to the Elder gods of Shem and Koth bordering on nighted Stygia.

As Robert Yaple notes in Savage Sword #8 (page 17) the Shemitic mother goddess would have a subordinate mate who dies and is reborn annually with the cycle of vegetation. Although nomads known as the Sons of Shem later initiated sky gods such as Pteor, only Ishtar went any way towards replacing Mitraic cults in neighbouring Koth.

Ishtar is typically portrayed as a Valkyrie-like Earth Mother in sumptuous temples. According to Yaple,

Her ivory idols combined southern sumptuousness with northern restraint. (Conan is restrained?)

City-states may have been political institutions but spent wisely on “lofty zikkurats” to adorn their temples. As I’ve been saying for awhile, while we live in a world of “facts”, reality in nature is to do with action, predator-prey, blood, death and renewal. That world is strong and fertile, Dionysian.

We live in a world of Apollo (light, appearance) but this is only half of reality. Mitra is the skygod of Hyborian lands. Erlik the dark deity of death. Ishtar the Earth-goddess who harbingers renewal, regrowth.

In this world, information and beliefs are tied together because we are no longer in the numerical land of the ego; the land of physical boredom where talk is about talk and not about the psyche that is strong and resurgent.

A lot of the Elder gods of whom Yaple writes were grossly obscene, animalistic. They represent what in nature is not talk or words but active events of sex, death, rebirth. Each god or goddess has a story associated with them.
Hanuman (SS #8)

Going back to One Plus One
, in the bookstore scene the looseness of the sex counteracts the fascist text; the pulp magazines shown are also storytelling - gross, obscene or animalistic as it may be!
Pornographic pulp-storytelling is practically quaint collectors’ items compared to today’s “market”. Because life is a story; we are our bodies, not just our brains which get the juice of information. Beliefs incorporate sex, death, rebirth and from these is born a society that values strength, and not simply information.