The applications are to blameAll the people do all dayIs stare into a phone (Placebo, Too Many people)

“Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints!” (Chief Seattle)

When rock stars were myths (Sandi Thom, I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker)

Machines were mice and men were lions once upon a time, Now that it's the opposite it's twice upon a time (Moondog)

Time is an illusion (Einstein)

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Pictorial 105

Say Hello to Jupiter
has a fair agreement with a lot of my own material. Bouquerel’s summary of environmental “bad guy” Morlock and “good gal” Gaia, for instance.

  (Page 361)

There’s the affinity for art-deco skyscrapers.
  (page 364)

There’s the notion that Earth is a spiritual entity, like the stars. And there’s the “cosmic harmonic”.
(page 352)
There is also his apparent belief that evil is part of the system you inherit. Capitalism, with its emphasis on appearance, tries to do without this and falls into internal contradiction (see long quote, prev.)  
I don’t know exactly what he means by evil. From my perspective, it must be the bloodiness of nature that one can abhor but not ignore. Good and evil are quite closely linked by blood, and one has to acknowledge the lustiness of living to appreciate the finer principles of nobility.
The Christian centuries were no peaceful. The opening story of Jirel, Black God’s Kiss is a good case in point: hatred and battle are powerfully rendered. Jirel descends to hell to regain her castle, and only later does it occur to her she was prey to love.
The underworld, or decay, is something that has to be acknowledged by those who would aspire to nobility in a Christian or any moral order. There is a strength about decay that gives to the world strong style and psychic content. The primary reality to primitive Man is the earth and the beasts that inhabit it.
Their carcasses are the prize, as was shown in this link to a prehistoric temple composed of the bones of 60 mammoths in the Russian steppes. The body of the beast is the cosmic reality that sustains Man physically and spiritually. The great curved tusks and woolly hide are ornament and shelter.
This is the feminine principle of grace which nurtures information (prev.) Going back to Bouquerel’s quote on béchamel above; the microcosm and the macrocosm are one when leftb to be what they choose to be.
Every cell of the body is a certain size; every organ fits. Why should that be? Because there’s a feminine harmonic that makes it right. Sometimes they have mathematical proportion, like the petals of a flower, sometimes not.
It’s like asking why is Mozart a facile composer. He has a lightness and apparent thoughtlessness. Those qualities render ineffective the processes of thought because music at its highest level has celestial harmonies of grace (as with Joan Armatrading).
Why does modern Man not understand that plants, animals and Man have this aspect of grace that cannot be infiltrated by thought? That thought is the very thing that denies it via the masculine illusion of DNA?
There is a dark metamorphosis that accompanies this illusion, whereby the brain (numerical thought) becomes the body. The numerical and the sexual then become one via algorithmic sorcery (prev.)
What that does is deny a celestial harmonic which is really what the body is, that cannot be rendered by thought. Left to its own devices the body has strong style associated with psychic belief (in the land, commune).
The vacuity of capital-goods produces a dark metamorphosis that renders obsolete the heroic romance of the past. I happened to see legendary javeliner Dana Zatopkova’s obit with this quote.
The newly-weds set up home in Prague – she found a job as a secretary with a sports magazine – and their flat became a magnet for fellow athletes and athletics enthusiasts. Gordon Pirie, one of Zatopek’s English rivals, described it as “the gayest and merriest home I ever visited.” (DT)
The land, the commune whether Eastern European or Latin American are a state of grace. The very hegemony of capital is its weakness because it is now a dark metamorphosis of number and sex.
Metamorphoses are legion in nature, but they are always harmonic, tied-up with powerful internal dynamics. The latter day sorcery is the very antithesis of this state-of-affairs where many things are happening simultaneously, a cascade of effects.
If the body is like a universe where many things happen simultaneously in harmony then straight-line thought simply enters another universe of data, such as DNA.

The two are opposites; one cancels out the other. That is the illusion we live in where the information gathered from living in a state of relative harmony with land, animals, plants and stars is lost and sorcerers reign supreme.
(page 411)
The internal dynamics of a dog are visible in the sky to those who believe. Sirius P54 