The applications are to blameAll the people do all dayIs stare into a phone (Placebo, Too Many people)

“Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints!” (Chief Seattle)

When rock stars were myths (Sandi Thom, I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker)

Machines were mice and men were lions once upon a time, Now that it's the opposite it's twice upon a time (Moondog)

Time is an illusion (Einstein)

Saturday 28 November 2020

Pictorial 149

Revisionism is not the reflection of reality, it is the reality of a reflection (La Chinoise, Godard)
This is one of Godard’s more abstract films, about a group of Parisian Maoists, but the quote could equally be applied to the progress of capital (dollar).

The “revisionist” is expelled from the group, and La Chinoise (Anne Wiazensky) goes on to advocate bombing colleges, and then mistakenly shoots the wrong target.

To her, action is realism and she is acting from a sense of culture against what is given by the establishment. As has been mentioned (), ancient societies were in a constant state of rebellion, which was “normal”, as Caesar was toppled and another took their place.

Conan and Kull followed that format. Historically Outremer was an area of psychic strength and constant rebellion. Religious states such as Turkey retain their psychic symmetry (P147); the dollar despite its apparent strength denies it.

If societies are not in a state of potential rebellion, it’s another way of saying there’s not much there apart from what is handed down from the establishment.

A rebel is rebelling against sameness and advocates action. Physical realism (perhaps that was the appeal of Maoism until the grotesque state tyranny took hold?). The contrary state is inactive unreality – or the reality of a reflection.

This could be the state we’re approaching, since so much of the work comes down to intelligent infrastructure. In this domain, efficient distribution is the key, and this comes down to the translation of words into numbers – algorithms.

Efficiency is really the opposite to rebellion, since it means one obeys the running of the machine. However, as was said of Lee Perry (), he invented dub in a Jamaican radio-shack simply by fooling around with the machinery. He had an intuitive knack.

Knowing too much is a case of having the machine do the work rather than the human creativity. Dub is primitive and dynamic, with a flair for experimentation.

By kowtowing to the machine, the instinctive simplicity is lost. Perry works against efficiency to achieve originality; the modern mainstream works with efficiency to achieve sameness.

The numerical compulsion of the ego is therefore driven by sameness. Godard, in Weekend, associates this with the anus, being sexually neutral – see P103

Babylon system is a case of getting ever closer to sameness. Rebellion is a sign of life and blood and prey.

New X-Men #125, Kordey art


Dub represents the war between the rebel and the technology. Its idiosyncrasy is its message and its meaning. Living and breathing are an irreconcilable war against sameness.

Exactly the same applies to gamekeepers who manage predators on moors and for farms (). As an update to that, the process of controlled burning of heather in England has come under a government ban (DT). The mindset of the minister is generally not to think of the state of dynamic growth that gamekeepers deal with yearly. They are not thinking realistically, only abstractly.

Associated with that, teenagers under 18 have been brutally restrained from holding airguns (DT). One trains to shoot for balance, both bodily and for the sake of wildlife.

The intelligence of Babylon system denies the primitive sense of balance in the landscape. The clearest sign of this is the recent sanctioning of a tunnel under Stonehenge (DT).

Without the strength of primeval balance, things approach sameness. This is almost the same as saying nothingness, in terms of the symmetry of the psyche. A conviction of the ego without meaning.