The applications are to blameAll the people do all dayIs stare into a phone (Placebo, Too Many people)

“Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints!” (Chief Seattle)

When rock stars were myths (Sandi Thom, I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker)

Machines were mice and men were lions once upon a time, Now that it's the opposite it's twice upon a time (Moondog)

Time is an illusion (Einstein)

Tuesday 17 November 2020

Hyborian Bridge 145

Well, I was reading in The Record on how Obama and Biden established an unequal corporate America which allowed-in Trump. If America is now a company, is that company corrupt in the way the mining franchises in Outland are (P148)?

As I was attempting to delineate, Outland is not so much corrupt as allowing the dollar to carry everything in its path including human flotsam. If the dollar is successful then everyone is happy – even if they’re not.

The flawed logic is behind Trump’s thinking and, as The Record says, is alomg similar lines to the Democrats. With Trump the process is easy to decipher since the lives lost to coronavirus don’t seem to worry him.

Superficially, this is much more like the Io franchise boss than others. However, the mindset that thinks the dollar is good goes right across the board; John Wayne said High Noon was anti-American, so I wonder what he’d have made of Outland?

The older books such as Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter are clear on this, as are events like the Salem witch trials (dramatized by Arthur Miller).

The corruption of the Indian wars is legendary. Corruption is unfortunate, like a sprained ankle, but it’s the product of natural societies that are not tyrannised by order and “fact”.

In Outland the officials are following instructions so that’s not so much corruption as lack of corruption. Connery, as the heroic lone wolf, is a law unto himself.


The difference between a law officer and an outlaw un American history is moot, the one becoming the other. The chief thing is they possess the reflexes and instincts of a killer and so can do the job. This is as true of Django as of Outland.

What this implies is that both law and outlaw are governed by the body, as opposed to the head. They run on instinct. The body isn’t run by the CNS, it’s a product of muscle; of autonomic responses like breathing; of endocrine (hormones) all of which need to balance (yoga).

America as a corporation is heading towards a basic lack of balance owing to this fact. The ones that run it are white males that belong to the Anglo-fraternity that worships the dollar. Alongside the Silicon-valley data-heads.

However, the Earth is also a body, the body of Ymir, the fir trees, the boulders and canyons (). When Gates announced his pathogen-killing toilet () he must not have realized that the soil and its natural crumbling texture is the most effective pathogen-killer. He merely replaces a natural process with one that destroys fields and forests (see Adastra in Africa)

The reason he didn’t know this is probably that he didn’t want to. He is a true believer in number and algorithmic technology, and to “them” this is a green technology.

This allies with Biden’s “green revolution” () that would convert processes to electrical. All these trends go one way; towards order, number, algorithm (electromagnetism). But this world of the head is not the true world, which is one of balance.

The strength of an ecosystem lies in the different animals pursuing their different ways in a low-scale war that has no reconciliation.

Ian Botham (DT) has been writing bout how gamekeepers who manage predators for farmers, by shooting crows etc, are under threat from lobbyists. The lobbyists are under the impression shooting is unnecessary.

AS Botham points out, they’ve never seen the pecked-out eyes of new-born lambs. In nature nothing is reconciled and one can only achieve a precarious balance; the independent operator in-the-field has that in their sights.

What “they” call order is always a euphemism for a system that is run by the head as opposed to the athletic body (of a ranger) living amongst wild things. Different things have a strength of psyche that gives them a natural affinity (see Outremer



When different things come together, the primitive simplicity conquers. Or that is to say that rhythm and instinct of the body-in-action predominate over the illusions of technological advance.

The head is in thrall to this advance while the body isn’t. There is no reconciliation; it’s a war. The warrior will use the technology as Django does a revolving machine-gun but he dopesn’t need it. A colt 45 will do just as well, so long as the reflexes are there.


You may recall Jean-Luc Godard’s quote cinema is truth “24 frames a second” (). That is to say, action and interesting things that transpire, such as the preceding clip. From the truth comes a story; destiny, faith, life and death.

The Godard-esque ideal is for the action to tell the story almost like a silent film. In this is a simplicity that conquers; the simplicity itself is the story.

This puts the body and its symmetries to the fore; the irreconcilable balance in that it’s impossible to change the form of a body.


Without the simplicity, physical reality is difficult to pin down and with it psychic strength evaporates. The head (of the acolyte) is able to achieve a reconciliation with order (“fact”), which then becomes the technological order of words (numbers).

While the likes of Perry () are able to work against technology with playful intent to simple effect, there is no reconciliation and we are in the world of the dancing body.


..but also the world of the decaying body, the physical reality of cyclical symmetries of body and earth. The lightness of Django is very affecting owing to the dark reality. We are psychically strengthened .

The exit mentality that seeks to avoid such dark realities is illusory and weak. Its very weakness attracts the ego (number). Outside of this illusion are the dark goddesses of fertility – Ishtar and obscene cults, see Yaple


Darkness is simply the other side of gaiety and rejoicing in the renewal of new life. The world of irreconcilable differences that is psychically strong, fairly filthy, clean limbed and often affable, unless..