The applications are to blameAll the people do all dayIs stare into a phone (Placebo, Too Many people)

“Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints!” (Chief Seattle)

When rock stars were myths (Sandi Thom, I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker)

Machines were mice and men were lions once upon a time, Now that it's the opposite it's twice upon a time (Moondog)

Time is an illusion (Einstein)

Monday 6 September 2021

Hyborian Bridge 188

 Long-term readers may recall the long quote from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight detailing the skinning and butchering of newly-slaughtered deer at a hunt from one of the castles on the virtuous knight's jaunt.

I just thought of this looking at Kemp's antiquarian blades, since whether it's a knife used for skinning, a butcher's cleaver or a short-thrust dagger, the technique and type of instrument are related 

A blade is a dealer of death or a dealer with death. Almost the best thing about a medieval-style banquet is that one gets to dismember and butcher the game. It's ripe, but with a decent edge the pieces fall to bits with artistic panache

The ripeness of life is not something one is aware of nowadays; one is living so much in the head as to be inside an illusion. This is what I meant by the head attached to the body as the prime-mover instead of the body and the hidden processes of the body dictating most activities.

In the latter guise, one gets the logic of the illogical (Corneille) - meaning the antagonistic masses of the body that slot into position. Instead of this truth of ripeness that is the stuff of life (and death), the modern ego is attracted further and furthr into a parallel world of the head where smells and ripeness are almost verbotten.

The ultimate problem of this future is that all sense-impulses are forms of electromagnetism, and one is simply being led into a future where AI is the reality, in terms of expressive-algorithms and so on (see prev Japanese example.)

A head may be expressive, but one can be sure the stories it is told to recite by "them" will be the ones they desire for their own purposes; that is, of sameness as opposed to difference.

But the fact is a body is composed of disparate elements, as is a traditional commune of hunters or priests or women-of-the-field and crops and burns and pond-life.

Differences and antagonisms contain logic and illogic. Anything else is simply a parallel realiy of sameness and delusion of acolytes of electromagnetism.

On a contemporary footing, I noticed teen-sensation Raducanu was trained to think of her blocked-backhand as a shield, and her full-blooded forehands a sword.

The language of the body is ever-antagonistic. The way out of the modern dilemma is asserting the physical footing of the athletic body - the use of language - over and above the sterile language of Bezos, Musk and other robots of a future of neverending boredom and psychic disintegration.